• Bytes to String

    Sometimes in Golang (or any language), we often unintentionally print/debug an array of bytes as it is, instead of its string representation. You may have seen something like this:
  • Installing Fancy Index Module on Nginx

    First, get the Nginx source code. The version must match exactly what we have on the system.
  • Raspi

    Non-interactive mode for raspi-config
  • Raspberry Pi Media Server with Mini DLNA

    One of the things that we can do with Raspberry Pi is to serve media (movies, videos, photos) via the home network. That way, we can watch content on different devices (PCs, smart TVs, and smartphones) from a centralized source. We can do that with minidlna.
  • Splitting Large Files on Fileserver

    When downloading large files with low bandwidth, it is always preferred to download the files in chunks. The idea is so that we can resume the downloads safely when the internet is interrupted in the middle, while not throwing away the bytes that we already downloaded.
  • Fix Hanging SSH Connection on WSL2 when VPN is Active

    On WSL2, intermittently, my SSH connection got stucked right after logging in.
  • Free Cache Memory on Ubuntu on WSL2

    On standalone Linux OS, this should never be a problem because the OS is smart enough to drop caches whenever other applications need it. However, on WSL, this may be a problem because the subsystem may not be directly notified if Windows apps need more memory. Hence, manual intervention is often needed.
  • Nginx

    Cheatsheet: https://github.com/SimulatedGREG/nginx-cheatsheet
  • Welcome to Jekyll!

    You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run jekyll serve, which launches a web server and auto-regenerates your site when a file is updated.